Designed for Architects, designers, contractors, municipal employees engaged in waste diversion and others.
Cost: $150 per individual or $120 per corporate attendee with a minimum group of 6 or more.
Maximum Attendees: 20
The ReUse Institute, the training and consulting division of The ReUsePeople of America, offers a vital one-day workshop covering the entire deconstruction process, from building-material salvage, project review and bidding, through the shipment of reclaimed materials from the job site to targeted destinations.
Presentations and discussions cover ...
The benefits of deconstruction versus demolition • Tools and equipment
Layout of the jobsite
Sequence of work
Deconstruction techniques for specific materials • Layered-materials handling
Debris management
Maintaining salvage values
Deconstruction steps — start to finish
Commercial deconstruction
How to make tax-deductible donations of salvaged materials
Why municipal ordinances work — or don’t
How to reduce the cost of deconstruction
What embodied energy is and why it’s important • How to determine if an appraiser is qualified • How to choose a deconstruction contractor
Where to find markets for salvaged materials
TRP provides…
Comfortable conference room for 15 people. 91-page instructional workbooks. Computerized presentation with slides and handouts. Unparalleled expertise and industry leadership. Box lunch, beverages and refreshments