Webinar: SB 54 Impacts to Local Government

SB 54 Impacts to Local Governments Webinar
Thursday, June 27 - 1:30-3PM

Sponsored by Global Recycling Council, CRRA, SWANA Gold Rush Chapter, Zero Waste USA

SB 54 establishes a single Producer Responsibility Organization to be responsible for California’s  recovery targets for single-use packaging and to-go foodware.   When implemented, this program will include a mechanism to compensate local governments and processors for their expenses managing these materials.    This webinar will explore perspectives on what costs could or should be addressed under the new SB 54 system, questions and concerns related to compensation, and opportunities for stakeholders to provide feedback on the yet-to-be-proposed compensation mechanism.  


Tedd Ward, Director, Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority & Global Recycling Council of CRRA

Felisia Castañeda, Project Manager, HF&H Consultants

Kevin Miller, Materials Diversion Administrator (Recycling Manager), City of Napa


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